Give Fashionably: Fashion Delivers

Fashion Delivers connects the fashion industry with local charities to provide new clothing for victims of natural disasters. After Hurricane Katrina, Allan Ellinger, senior managing director of Marketing Management Group, started creating Fashion Delivers. After a meeting with twenty six industry leaders, Fashion Delivers joined with Kids in Distressed Situations, K.I.D.S., to bring men's, women's, children's, and home fashions to the areas that needed them most. By partnering with K.I.D.S. Fashion Delivers has an established infrastructure for bring needed clothing to over 1,000 charities.
Fashion Delivers is unique in that they link the fashion industry directly with charities and make it easy for unused clothing to find homes that need it. Those in the fashion industry can donate overstock, samples, or any other product they'd like to give. Anyone not able to donate new clothing can give a monetary donation online.