Esty Shop of the Week: VaivaNat

VaivaNat's Felt Gallery is full of earthy jewelry made of wool felt. The felt, she feels, is more warm and inviting than metal jewelry. This Scotland based designer makes delicate flower brooches for a nice price as well as necklaces, cuffs, bracelets and earrings. Not that I needed a reason to tell you about such an amazing store, but I haven't been able to get this Chunky Burned Autumn necklace out of my head for a week. Wouldn't this be absolutely luscious with a little black dress or paired with a silk button up shirt? If you find yourself in love, the necklace is $55.


hpalleiko said…
I came across your blog and I love it. I was happy to see a feature VaivaNat who is one of my favorite jewelry felt artists on Etsy. Thanks for sharing her beautiful work with everyone.

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