Tim Gunn Tells Us What To Wear

Tim Gunn's Guide to Style has begun its first season on Bravo. Every Thrusday at 10 p.m. Tim Gunn and model, Veronica Webb give one lucky lady a new lease on her fashion life. Unlike, TLC's What Not to Wear, the fashion offenders on Tim Gunn's show aren't at outrageous. They make common fashion mistakes that we all make, and they don't know how to stock a proper wardrobe.

Another major difference between What Not to Wear and Guide to Style, is that Tim Gunn teaches the women how to build a wardrobe on ten basic items every women should have. Gunn also guides participants through the process of clean out their current clothing. In stead of ruthlessly tearing away their favorite pieces, Gunn helps them see why pieces don't work and what they can do to improve a look. Participants usually end up keeping a couple pieces too. And in stead of fitting every contestant into what's popular at the moment, Gunn and Web help each women think about her personal style as well as her shape and lifestyle.

In each show, Gun gives away one fabulous designer dress and one expensive piece of jewelry. Sign me up. Gunn also gives tips every women can learn from, including his list of 10 items ever women must own.

Tim Gunn's Ten Essential Items:
1.Basic Black Dress
2.Trench Coat
3.Classic Dress Pant
4.Classic White Shirt
6.Day Dress
7.Sweat Suit Alternative*
8.Cashmere sweater

*Like wearing casual slacks, a simple blouse, and a nice jacket when you walk the dog or run errands instead of grubby clothes.

For the fashion conscience without access to Bravo, you can watch episodes online at BravoTV.com


Rachel said…
Yay, that was fun to watch :) Now I can watch fashion shows online!!

I like his list too. Now if only I had the money to go get all 10... or 1... ;)

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